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Fertilizers are not in a hurry to get cheaper

The cost of the main types of fertilizers in the world markets, which increased several times in 2021 and reached peak values, is slightly adjusted at the beginning of 2022. Buyers from the US and Europe, having significantly reduced their own production due to high gas prices on  gas, are rushing to buy chemical products  .  Experts say, there are no prerequisites for fertilizers to start to become significantly cheaper.

Objective reasons impede the growth of copper supply

The beginning of 2022 - the shortage of copper reduced stocks in the warehouses of stock exchanges and market participants to the level of 400 thousand tons.
Objective reasons do not allow to increase the volume of copper production:
*reduction of the metal content in the ore, causing a decrease in production at existing deposits,
*lack of commissioning of new large low-cost projects will increase the cost of a marginal producer.
Copper, in the context of the active development of alternative energy, as well as the growth in the production of electric cars, is becoming the new "gold".

India amid pandemic seeks to provide industry with metals

In India, they want to reduce duties on imports of steel, aluminum and copper.The Indian Ministry of Finance and other representatives of the Indian government have begun discussions on lowering import duties on commodities such as steel, aluminum and copper in order to reduce the cost pressure that has arisen from rising prices on enterprises of various groups and sizes - in light of the need to provide opportunities for factories to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Solarus amends developed technologies to improve process efficiency and increase profitability.

Chelyabinsk South Ural Russia (9 February 2015) — Solarus pleased to announce that it has completed the design of experimental research to develop new plasma chemical reactor gasification of carbonaceous materials. Innovations that will be applied will significantly speed up and increase the percentage of gasification of carbonaceous materials. Use the gasifier in the process, we expect significantly increase yield of the final product (green diesel). Just Solarus intends to use the technology available to the associated extraction of valuable and rare earth metals in the process of «fast» pyrolysis (coal, natural bitumen, coal and oil sludge) that will significantly increase the profitability of the process as a whole.
About Solarus
SIE Solarus Energy Ltd. Is to promote the dissemination of solar energy and green technologies through the developed products and technologies that optimize and make effective use of natural resources and make the world comfortable for a person without harming the environment.
Forward-looking statements
Some of the information contained in this document may include «forward-looking information». Without limiting the foregoing, information or forward-looking information may include statements regarding projects, costs, objectives and future returns of the Company or hypotheses underlying these items.
SIE Solarus Energy Ltd.




The state program of development of rare-earth metals in Russia up to 2020 is estimated at 145 billion rubles — the head of the Industry and Trade Ministry .

The state program of development of rare-earth metals in Russia up to 2020 is estimated at 145 billion rubles — the head of the Industry and Trade Ministry .

MOSCOW, October 18. / ITAR — TASS / . The state program of development of rare earth metals / REM / 2020 is estimated at 145 billion rubles, while the budget will be spent only 23.5 billion rubles. This was announced by the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis MANTUROV at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The state program will generate and create , in fact, an entire industry that provides a supply of necessary materials for the aviation, space , nuclear and electronics industries , which today is almost 100 % dependent on imported materials , said MANTUROV .
In the beginning of the meeting , the President asked the Minister for the development of Russian high-tech industries. » There is a problem not only financial security — access to credit , issues related to structural problems , there’s a question of resource support ,» — said the president.
Putin highlighted the problems in providing the industry with rare earth metals. «Once the Soviet Union occupied a worthy position in this sector , and now we have known issues » — complained the head of state.
Referring to the basic parameters of the state program , MANTUROV reported that for the tasks required 145 billion rubles, while the budget will be spent only 23.5 billion rubles. «It provides full funding for the development of the industry » , — assured MANTUROV head of state.
The minister is convinced that will set up a production chain from mining to technology development and production of concentrates of metal oxides , which will provide in the future is the production of finished products.
«In the next three years to implement the first phase of the program from the budget will be allocated 9 billion rubles. This will ensure a reserve, which will be implemented , and in 2020 will provide almost 100 percent independence from imports , in contrast to the situation in which there is today, » — he stressed.
He also noted that this program show great interest big investors , including state-owned corporations , » Russian Technologies » and » Rosatom » .
Rare earth metals — a group of 17 elements that are in demand in high-tech industries. The group includes the lanthanides / gadolinium, holmium, dysprosium, europium, ytterbium, lutetium, neodymium, praseodymium , promethium , samarium , terbium , thulium , cerium , erbium / and scandium , yttrium and lanthanum.
At present, China is still the largest producer and exporter of rare earth metals, according to various sources providing 90 to 97% of global demand .
According to experts the demand for rare earth metals will increase by 2015-2016 to 190-210 thousand tons, and by 2020 — up to 200-240 thousand tons of rare earth metals a year. Of these, 130-150 thousand tons will be consumed by China , which will close its needs itself .

Rare earth metals. Technological breakthrough or export of raw materials?

Russia intends to establish its own production of rare earth metals. This is necessary if the country is to develop innovative industry and effectively defend strategic interests, experts say .

By 1 February 2013 the government should develop and adopt a program of the country’s production of rare earth metals (REM). These include the 17 elements that are used in high-tech devices (of the same tablets and smartphones), and even in aircraft, automotive and nuclear industries, and, of course, the military.In recent years, the demand for rare metals in particular has grown — the world becomes more technological, and the proposal, however, declined. China, which is the world’s main producer of rare earth (its share according to various estimates 90-95%) do not want to share a valuable raw material.

«Since 2010, the different groups of metals costs have gone up from two hundred to one thousand percent — said metals analyst at investment bank» Renaissance Capital «Vasily Kuligin. — Mostly due to the fact that China, as a monopoly producer, concentrates at main power and closes export flows that creates a shortage in foreign markets. Naturally, the industry is becoming interesting. Including creates interest for the state. »

Сhinese monopoly is less like a major global player. Indeed, in the case of trade or other conflicts Celestial may create serious problems of business technology companies and strike at strategic industry competitors. Therefore, Russia, the U.S., Australia, India, Brazil and other countries are trying to actively develop their production. Russia has 20% of the world’s rare earth metals, but their production does not exceed 2% of the world. Low-tech domestic industry, they are not concerned. Moreover, the country lacks refining capacity. The Soviet Union was building factories REM, but after the collapse of the company found themselves outside Russia — Estonia and Kazakhstan. Russia has to supply them with raw materials and purchased finished goods. Now, when the rare earth metals are becoming a factor of global competition, this situation is barely acceptable, the analyst independent analytical agency «Investkafe» Andrew Schenck:

«In order to ensure the sovereignty and security of the country, not necessarily to build a fully production of rare earth metals, but you need at least to increase the share of production of these metals in Russia. To fully ensure the military industry.»

Moreover, the Russian leadership has repeatedly stated policy of modernization of the economy and development of innovative industries that rare metals are indispensable. But as long as there are no industries that could generate significant local demand for REM. And if the production of these metals will be established before the appearance of strong demand, will sell the valuable raw materials abroad. That is, Russia will only strengthen the raw orientation of its economy. According to Andrew Schenck of «Investkafe», the possibility of such a development is large:

«The creation of a complete chain of production of rare earth metals in an amount corresponding to our potential (about 20% of the world market), take five to ten years. To create a large innovative companies require large time. So if you start the program now, you will likely we diversify our commodity economies, but it will increase the dependence on raw materials. »

However, the expert emphasizes, diversification of resource-based economy is also important to reduce the country’s dependence on oil and gas market. Moreover, as experts predict, the world demand for rare metals each year will only grow, and prices continue to remain high.


«Skolkovo» interested Krasnoyarsk projects production of fine wire and low-cost solar cells


Cluster of Space Technologies and Telecommunications Fund «Skolkovo» will be accompanied by four innovative projects residents of Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI) in the field of space technology, the agency «Interfax-Siberia» acting Minister of Investment and Innovation Olga Ruhullaeva edge.»Interesting to show a project to produce very thin wire of aluminum alloys. With this wire can significantly reduce the net weight of the vehicle and increase its payload. Also the» Skolkovo «will support a project for the production of solar cells using new materials and technologies that will significantly reduce the their cost, «- said O.Ruhullaeva.

In this case, the development and introduction of a significant part of advanced space technologies will be implemented in the Krasnoyarsk region, said in an interview with the agency «Interfax-Siberia» Director of Development Cluster Space Technologies and Telecommunications Fund «Skolkovo» Dmitry Paison.
«Krasnoyarsk — in fact, one of the world centers sputnikostroeniya. Here is the JSC» Information Satellite Systems «- the leading Russian company in manufacturing of spacecraft (the proportion in 2011, the number of civilian space vehicles — 76.9% domestic and 8.7% of the world Markets — IF). Besides ASC is tightly integrated with business processes for the organization of space communications, navigation, geodesy. use such territorial advantage for the integration of innovation in the space industry would not be wise, «- said D.Payson.
Crowe «KRITBI» was created in May 2010. Is part of a regional system of support for innovative start-ups in the field of medicine, biotechnology, energy, IT-technology, engineering, nanotechnology and other high-tech industries. Controlled by the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Novosibirsk region: in Berdsk launched a new line for production of nanopowders

Nano finally goes on, «nanovolumes.» The new production facility for production of nanopowders run at full capacity. They are already actively used in the defense industry, construction and medicine. This is one of the projects supported by the Novosibirsk venture capital fund.

The main purpose of nanopowders — to do all the stronger, in that they are added. Tiny particles bind a molecule of starting material, and he acquires new properties. Supplements that can not be seen even under a microscope, very promising, but has not been fully explored and have a «complex character».
Nanopowders prepared by electrical explosion of conductors. For the first time in Novosibirsk with the help of this innovative technology does not produce a finished product in the laboratory and in industrial scale.
With such equipment a year can make only a few tons. But the volume is deceptive. For example, only one gram of nanoaluminum makes a ton of concrete is much stronger. The field of micro-particles widely: they are used not only in the manufacture of building materials or armor. Doctors use these supplements for bone replacement. For example, make artificial «porous» vertebrae that are fused with living tissues and cause rejection.
«A man generally face less of nanomaterials themselves, but with materials that will be improved by using them. Here it should be understood, «- said Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Policy of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Nikonov.
While the demand for unique additive is small. Plan an annual production of 2 tons, but while berdchane considered Russia’s largest producer of nanopowders.
«Our industry is at the forefront of the last decades of the last century. Introduction — a rather difficult thing, because the company is not ready to consume «- complains director of» Siberian nanomaterials, «Sergei Popov.
Nevertheless, already signed contracts with several defense companies and manufacturers of high-strength ceramics from Tomsk, Kazan, Moscow. A Novosibirsk scientists use to study the nano-powders promising way to cut metal. Soon, the volume of production expected to increase to 20 tons.
Source: IAA Cleandex

State Owned Chinese conglomerates strengthen their position in solar industry during industry crisis

While thousands of small solar companies in the world have gone / are going bust on account of massive industry oversupply and crashed solar panel prices, huge state owned Chinese conglomerates / quasi government companies are strengthening their position in the industry. There have been large number of bankruptcies in the West including such stalwarts like Q-Cells, Solyndra, Solon and many others. However despite massive indebtedness, no major Chinese company has gone bust. LDK Solar which has been in the news for a number of times for being on the verge of bankruptcy still manages to survive. The company was in the news with its customers and suppliers not renewing their contracts as the company faces almost $4 billion in debt compared to less than $500 million in market capitalization and huge losses.

The reason for no big Chinese bankruptcy is the backing of the government and the state owned Chinese banks which are propping up these bloated whales leading to a crazy oversupply. Note this issue is not specific to the solar industry, but the global wind and LED industry too are facing the same problems. The Chinese government in its mission to become a world leader in green industry has given massive subsidies to these industries leading to a situation of collapsing prices and companies.

The large state owned firms like Phono Solar, Talesun, GCL Poly are expanding their marketshare as other firms face existential crisis. China is set to become the world’s largest market for solar panels in 2012 and these state owned firms are garnering the largest share of projects and contracts due to their size and influence. No foreign solar company has won a decent sized solar power plant project in China which is stunning considering that China sells a majority of solar panels in most world markets. USA has recently imposed duties on imports of Chinese solar panels and there are indications that other major consumers such as Europe and India will follow suit given the unequal level playing field.  (

Chinese Supremes to American Superconductor: We’ll Hear You

I discussed the IP litigation in China between American Superconductor (AMSC) and Chinese wind energy system maker Sinovel.

Recharge reports that China’s Supreme People’s Court recently agreed to hear AMSC’s appeal in one of the civil actions of the dispute.

This is an appeal by AMSC of the Hainan Supreme Court’s decision to affirm a lower court ruling that dismissed AMSC’s copyright infringement action against Sinovel, Dalian Guotong, a power converter maker partially owned by Sinovel, and Huaneng Hainan Power Company.

The Hainan Province No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court threw out AMSC’s suit on jurisdictional grounds after Sinovel filed a motion to dismiss in December 2011.  In that motion, Sinovel argued that the case should be governed by the Beijing Arbitration Commission, which is hearing separate contractual disputes between AMSC and Sinovel.

According to the Recharge piece, AMSC appealed this copyright infringement case to the Supreme People’s Court because it is “purely a copyright infringement dispute rather than a contractual matter.  As such, it is independent of the contracts and belongs within the civil court system.”

The of heart of the dispute is AMSC’s allegations that Sinovel misappropriated its propietary software code for controlling wind turbines and power converters.

Specifcally, AMSC accuses Sinovel of copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets by Sinovel’s unauthorized use of the turbine control software source code and the binary code, or upper layer, of its software for the PM3000 power converters used with Sinovel’s 1.5 MW turbines.  The control software was developed by AMSC for use with Sinovel’s turbines.

The litigation has involved four separate actions by AMSC in various forums in China where the effectiveness of intellectual property enforcement remains an open question of increasing importance to the clean tech industry.(Green Patent Blog®)

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